2000 Chateau Lafitte Rothchild 750ml

2000 Chateau Lafitte Rothchild 750ml

Product Code: 3500610100321

The wine still has a dark ruby/purple color and an extraordinarily youthful nose of graphite, black currants, sweet, unsmoked cigar tobacco, and flowers. The wine is rich, medium to full-bodied, but has that ethereal elegance and purity that is always Lafite.

  • Sweetness Level : 0
  • Country of origin : France
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Quantity per container : 1

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Inventory quantities are not updated in real time, please call ahead to your store of choice to confirm that we have the product you are looking for.
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Products that are exclusive to our Salisbury DEPOT and EXPÉRIENCE by ANBL stores are NOT available for transfer to other locations.

$3,743.67 /UNIT
Store Address City Quantity
Moncton - Expérience 55 rue Queen Street Moncton 6

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