Absente 750ml

Absente 750ml

Product Code: 689768211028

Absente 55 is enjoyed by those in the know in the true tradition that involves a flame, sugar, water and absinthe… a ceremonial ritual which gives free reign to your imagination. Absente 55 derives its bitterness from several of the aromatic plants of absinthe (Artémisia Absinthium). The Absente 55 recipe, a blend of absinthe, aniseed flavors, mint and spices, gives it its incomparable color and unexpected length of flavor. Tips: Here are a few ideas. Adapt to suit your mood and taste: serve using the traditional spoon method, onto crushed ice or, if you love your drinks strong, just serve it neat. With Absente 55 there are no rules.

  • Alcohol content : 55.0%
  • Quantity per container : 1
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Country of origin : France

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$66.29 /UNIT
Store Address City Quantity
My preferred store : Saint John - boul Fairville Bl 31 ave Plaza Ave Saint John 1
Saint John - Wellington Row 10 rang Wellington Row Saint John 4
Saint John - rue Somerset St 650 rue Somerset Street Saint John 9