Averna Amaro 750ml

Averna Amaro 750ml

Product Code: 8000400203942

Velvety on the palate and balanced in the mouth, Averna is still produced following the original secret recipe. The richness of its many ingredients, give Amaro Averna a round taste and a delicate citrus fragrance. Appearance: Deep brown with red-golden hints. Nose: Opening citrus notes mixed with scents of Mediterranean herbs such as myrtle, juniper, rosemary, sage and aromatic resins. Palate: Orange hints, balanced with licorice and Mediterranean herbs. Velvety and rounded texture. After taste: Soft bitter and smooth.

  • Alcohol content : 29.0%
  • Quantity per container : 1
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Country of origin : Italy

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$34.50 /UNIT
Store Address City Quantity
Saint John - Wellington Row 10 rang Wellington Row Saint John 11
Saint John - East Point 40 East Point Way Saint John 9
Kennebecasis Valley 115 prom. Campbell Drive Rothesay 8

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