Barsol Pisco Quebranta 750ml

Barsol Pisco Quebranta 750ml

Product Code: 859644000019

Appearance: Clear. The name BarSol is inspired by the mission and commitment to bring to every BAR in the world the finest Pisco produced under the SOL of Ica, one glass at a time. Hence, “BarSol Pisco”. Founded by Diego Loret de Mola and Carlos Ferreyros, BarSol adheres to the traditional Pisco pot distillation method practiced in Peru since the 1500’s. Distilled and bottled in Bodega San Isidro, a century old distillery, BarSol is produced from fresh wines fermented exclusively from Pisco grapes harvested in the Southern Valley of Ica.

  • Alcohol content : 41.3%
  • Quantity per container : 1
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Country of origin : Peru

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$47.29 /UNIT
Store Address City Quantity
Moncton - Expérience 55 rue Queen Street Moncton 43
Dieppe - rue Regis St 513 rue Regis Street Dieppe 1

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