Dillons Rose Gin 750ml

Dillons Rose Gin 750ml

Product Code: 874618001298

Appearance: Pink. Nose: Classic gin botanicals, rose, herbs. Taste Profile: Classic gin botanicals, rose, herbs. Finish: Complex. Traditional London-style gin infused with rose hips, rose petals, then sweetened. Excellent as an aperitif or in cocktails. If James Bond could pause to enjoy his martinis, he’d probably demand it be made with Sloe Gin. Plucked from a time when the Brits ruled the world and drank elegantly from their tents in the middle of no where, our Dillon’s Rose Gin recipe does it right by infusing our seven botanical base with magical Rosehip and Rose petals in such a way that makes even M let her hair down. Accolades:Gold Medal – 2019 Canadian Artisan Spirit Competition 95 points – Wine Enthusiast, May 2015, Silver Medal – 2015 San Francisco World Spirits Competition, Silver Medal – 2014 San Francisco World Spirits Competition

  • Alcohol content : 35.0%
  • Quantity per container : 1
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Country of origin : Canada

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$56.99 /UNIT
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Moncton - ch Mountain Road 936 ch. Mountain Road Moncton 3
Dieppe - rue Regis St 513 rue Regis Street Dieppe 4