JD Shore Canadian Rum Cream 750ml

JD Shore Canadian Rum Cream 750ml

Product Code: 655003919233

At Halifax Distilling we proudly use the finest ingredients including New Brunswick’s famous Crosby’s Fancy Grade Molasses! Our J.D. Shore Rum Cream is a flavoursome blend of our barrel aged J.D. Shore Rum, cocoa, vanilla, cinnamon, and cream. The enjoyment of this spirit has endless possibilities! Perfect for Boozy coffee, cocktail concoctions, or simply over ice. Try a drizzle over your porridge or ice cream. Enjoy!

  • Alcohol content : 17.0%
  • Quantity per container : 1
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Country of origin : Canada

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$39.99 /UNIT
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Saint Andrews 100 rue Water Street Saint Andrews 5
Bouctouche 7 - 193 boul. Irving Blvd Bouctouche 3
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