Jost Selkie Frizzante 750ml

Jost Selkie Frizzante 750ml

Product Code: 624448034870

A frizzante-style wine, Selkie is created using a time-honoured technique where effervescence of fine bubbles defines the youthful liveliness of the flavours and aromas. The delicate effervescence of this refreshing white wine heightens the aromas of flower scents and stone fruits. This wine plays on the tip of your tongue then captures your taste buds with a combination of mild sweetness and stone fruit flavours balanced on the palate with crisp mouth feel from acidity and effervescence. An off dry wine, Selkie is the perfect aperitif enjoyed on its own. Serve well chilled!

  • Sweetness Level : 4
  • Country of origin : Canada
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Quantity per container : 1

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$21.79 /UNIT
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Moncton - ch. Elmwood Drive 71 ave Filles de Jesus Ave Moncton 9

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