Old Toms Old Fashioned Egg Nog 750ml

Old Toms Old Fashioned Egg Nog 750ml

Product Code: 0088004400279

Appearance: Smooth eggnog. Nose: Allspice and nutmeg. Taste Profile: Authentic eggnog taste. Finish: Flavours of vanilla. Classic representation of a traditional eggnog recipe. Old Tom brings the same mouth feel, texture and flavour notes one would expect. Old Tom has real rum, dairy cream, along with the flavours of vanilla, allspice and nutmeg. Old Tom's has a very authentic eggnog taste. Rich and egg creamy texture and taste.

  • Alcohol content : 14.0%
  • Quantity per container : 1
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Country of origin : Canada

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$19.29 /UNIT $25.79
Store Address City Quantity
Fredericton - Corbett Centre 18 Trinity Ave Unit F-3 Fredericton 1
Moncton - ch. Elmwood Drive 71 ave Filles de Jesus Ave Moncton 1
Shippagan 268 Boulevard JD Gauthier Blvd Shippagan 1