Dillons Dry Gin 750ml

Dillons Dry Gin 750ml

Product Code: 874618001434

Appearance: Clear. 100% Canadian Rye. Developed with top bartenders. Traditionally vapour distilled through seven botanicals. Distilled through oak for a slight sweetness. Proudly crafted in Canada. At Dillon’s, we take great pride in handcrafting products using pot stills and fresh local ingredients without artificial flavours or colours. We strive to make new enjoyable spirits from traditional ideas with a focus on authenticity and unparalleled quality, one batch at a time.

  • Alcohol content : 44.8%
  • Quantity per container : 1
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Country of origin : Canada

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Inventory quantities are not updated in real time, please call ahead to your store of choice to confirm that we have the product you are looking for.
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$42.29 /UNIT
Store Address City Quantity
Moncton - Expérience 55 rue Queen Street Moncton 17

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