Cloud House Cold Brew Infused Colombian Rum 750ml

Cloud House Cold Brew Infused Colombian Rum 750ml

Product Code: 848819031002

Appearance: Dark brown. Nose: Coffee. Our liquid comes from Colombia’s Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta the highest costal mountain range in the world. 100% Arabica coffee grown and brewed at high altitude (4,793 Made with Colombian rum aged in ex bourbon oak barrels at sea level ( by the Caribbean Sea) 31% ABV, Perfectly balanced.

  • Alcohol content : 31.0%
  • Quantity per container : 1
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Country of origin : Costa Rica

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$38.99 /UNIT
Store Address City Quantity
Saint John - Wellington Row 10 rang Wellington Row Saint John 11
Kennebecasis Valley 115 prom. Campbell Drive Rothesay 17
Fredericton - rue York Street 380 rue York Street Fredericton 10

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