John Sleeman & Sons Single Malt 750ml

John Sleeman & Sons Single Malt 750ml

Product Code: 628341255011

Delicate scents of vanilla and butterscotch are pleasantly accompanied by plum and drying fruit. These sweet scents ease the palate into familiar malt taste with flavours of candied apple, poached pear, and delightful reminiscence of creamsicle. Rounding out the sipping experience are decadent notes of hazelnut chocolate and sticky honey, all retreating to a floral finish like fresh linen hung in the spring.

  • Alcohol content : 40.0%
  • Quantity per container : 1
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Country of origin : Canada

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$65.00 /UNIT
Store Address City Quantity
Fredericton - rue York Street 380 rue York Street Fredericton 10
Moncton - Vaughan Harvey 53 boul. Vaughan Harvey Blvd. Moncton 4
Sackville 11-A rue Wright Street Sackville 8