Unibroue Blanche De Chambly 12 C

Unibroue Blanche De Chambly 12 C

Product Code: 056910022120

Colour: Pale Straw. Clarity: Hazy. Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Wheat. Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Floral. Unibroues Blanche De Chambly is a light fruity Belgian style, white ale veiled by citrus aromas and coriander. Wheat flavours are present with subtle spices and citrus notes reminiscent of orange or lemon

  • Alcohol content : 5.0%
  • Quantity per container : 12
  • Container Size : 355 mL
  • Country of origin : Canada

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$26.49 /UNIT $30.49
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My preferred store : Saint John - boul Fairville Bl 31 ave Plaza Ave Saint John 6
Saint John - rue Somerset St 650 rue Somerset Street Saint John 8
Saint John - East Point 40 East Point Way Saint John 9

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