Wolf Blass Gold Label Shiraz 750ml

Wolf Blass Gold Label Shiraz 750ml

Product Code: 098137333436

Rich velvety red in colour with scents of liquorice, spice and sweet, ripe berry that rise up from the glass and flow into a palate jammed with blackberry fruit and well-integrated smoky oak. The finish demonstrates elegant fine tannins.

  • Sweetness Level : 0
  • Grape and Percentage : 100% Syrah
  • Country of origin : Australia
  • Container Size : 750 mL
  • Quantity per container : 1

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$28.00 /UNIT
Store Address City Quantity
Hampton 454 rue Main Street Hampton 7
Sackville 11-A rue Wright Street Sackville 5
Grand Falls 240-A ch. Madawaska Road Grand Falls 3

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