Jack Ryan Whiskey 12 YO 700ml

Jack Ryan Whiskey 12 YO 700ml

Product Code: 5391515830646

Appearance: Golden. Nose: Tropical fruit, citrus, spice. Taste Profile: Fruity, citrus, honey, oak. Finish: Malty, biscuity. Intense tropical fruit aromas of passionfruit, pineapple, lemon and orange peel with a touch on cinnamon and ginger. Smooth and oily texture. Even at the full 46% it is soft and easy to drink. Flavours of fresh pineapple, lemon, oranges, marmalade and ginger snap with some honey and oak. Becomes more malty and biscuity with the oak flavours also shining through.

  • Alcohol content : 46.0%
  • Quantity per container : 1
  • Container Size : 700 mL
  • Country of origin : Ireland

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$87.99 /UNIT
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